Monday 16 September 2013

Monday: Canoeing and Gorge Walking

Mrs. Nicholson's group enjoyed a fantastic day paddling against the wind down river followed by an uphill struggle against mother nature, waist deep at points but never phased.

We kept a smile throughout....

... and yes, by wearing sunglasses Mrs Nicholson did encourage the sun to shine through the rain clouds.

Children showed great resilience and team building throughout.  Our coordinators were amazed by their encouragement of one another, support and kindness.

The children learnt how to paddle, steer, work as a team and reacting to changes in the canoe's direction.

After a delicious lunch, where the children had made their own sandwiches, we prepared ourselves for a challenging afternoon...

Meandering through the wild woodland, the children were delighted by Mrs Nicholson's enthusiasm when pointing out unusual wildlife.  The group decided to name the area 'Pixie Woods'.

The gorge walk was walking against the flow of the river towards it's source.  The children overcame their fears brilliantly and had an amazing and thrilling time.

We finished the day by jumping in!

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