Wednesday 18 September 2013

Wednesday: Canoeing and Rock Scrambling

Mrs. O'Shea's group enjoyed a morning canoeing on a beautiful lake. It was calm to begin with but as the morning progressed the wind began to push the boats to the right and many had to paddle their way out of the trees! One group seemed to be drawn to the trees each time that they raced!

We then tied the boats together so that we did not tip over. We learnt that the names of the turns are meanders. It was an interesting experience tying the boats together because the belt kept creasing and wouldn't go through easily!

The group found the canoeing difficult as they had to learn to paddle against the current. They became very good at untangling paddles! However, despite these challenges they were successful because they reached their checkpoint. The team agreed that the hot chocolate and custard cream break certainly helped their energy levels to keep up the paddling!

The group were proud that some of them were brave and stood up whilst paddling which meant that they had to bend carefully so that the paddles were deep enough into the water.

This afternoon the group took the challenge of rock scrambling. They said - "we learnt how to wriggle through tiny gaps, climb up giant rocks and how to use our legs to give us the power to jump from one rock to another."

The ultimate challenge was the 'Matrix Slab' which was a smooth rock with erosion on one side which created walkways which we could climb up. We loved running up the slab and sliding back down it! Even Mrs. O'Shea enjoyed the slab sliding!

Overall, the group said that it was an amazing experience because "we got the chance to do activities that we would not normally get to do. Mrs. O'Shea was a great group leader as she helped us out with paddling and also when one member of the group got stuck in the mud!." Excellent team work Mrs. O'Shea's group!

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