Wednesday 18 September 2013

The Last Evening

The children asked if a group photo could be taken to help them to remember their fantastic experience.

All of the staff would like to thank the children for being outstanding whilst here at Dol-Y-Moch. They have behaved in a responsible and caring manner for each other as well as for the site at all times. It has been a pleasure and everybody (staff and children) are sad to say goodbye tomorrow!

We are aiming to leave Dol-Y-Moch at 9am. Mrs. Nicholson will phone the school when we are an hour away from arriving back at school and then when we are only half an hour away. We look forward to seeing everybody tomorrow.


  1. It looks like you had a great time! I have enjoyed following your blog. Thank you to all the teachers and staff for looking after our "babies". -Claire Stubbs.

  2. You all seem to have had a wonderful time & have managed to get outdoors and be involved with some fabulous activities.
    Thanks to all the resident staff at Dol-Y-Moch and all the teaching staff at Richard Lee for making this such a wonderful experience for the children.
