Tuesday 17 September 2013

Tuesday: Orienteering and Beach Study

Today Mrs. Nicholson, Mr. Taylor and Mrs. O'Shea joined forces to navigate their way around the site and then Lake Mary. Unfortunately, Mrs. Nicholson was unable to encourage the sun out by wearing her sunglasses and the rain poured all day. She did however encourage the children to continue no matter what by showing them her rain dance.

The group was not stopped by the wet and worked hard to navigate their way around the courses successfully. When asked, the group said that the most important aspect is the make sure that your map is the correct way round so that you know that you are heading in the right direction. It was also agreed that if mistakes are made we cannot simply blame the map but that we need to work together and discuss the correct route to follow.

One member of the group cleverly navigated himself to find a way to dry his wet hair!

Mr. Taylor supported the orienteering around Lake Mary as he took up Mrs. O'Shea's role from the previous day... when one group found themselves heading towards post 11 instead of 9, Mr. Taylor helpfully jumped out of the trees to offer his help!

Teamwork prevailed throughout the day and smiles were shown despite the wet.

After lunch, the children boarded the mini bus for the drive to the beach. They loved catching the sea creatures in nets and placed them carefully in containers of sea water to observe.

Two crabs were caught and named Julia and Bob-Jim along with an eel like fish which was promptly named Freddie. The children were careful handling the creatures and ensured that they were placed back into their natural habitat.

Of course, the day was finished with a celebratory ice-cream!

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