Wednesday 18 September 2013

Wednesday: Mining

Mrs. Nicholson's group climbed up the steep mountain which resulted in three members of the group crawling their way up the final part due to achy legs! However, they made it to the top! This is where they found out the difference between good slate and bad slate. The group each chose a piece of slate from the pile and Ed judged the slate by firstly looking at it and then breaking it open using a chisel and a hammer. The concluded that good slate splits perfectly in half whereas bad slate cracks and is lumpy. 

The children said - "Three floors up in the mine we attached a rope to our waist with a carabiner. This was a safety rope. We climbed up using another rope to pull ourselves up. We kept slipping because the rocks were so wet due to a mini waterfall in the mine."

"We ate lunch by candlelight and the group decided to name the spot 'Restaurant La Rock.' 

Inside the mine it was pitch black so we got two pieces of quartz and struck them together to make sparks in the darkness.

At the very bottom of the mountain there were two tunnels which we decided to use to wash our waterproofs. We slid on our bellies up the left tunnel and crawled out of the right. It certainly worked!

We loved walking through the mine and exploring the different passageways."

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