Wednesday 18 September 2013

Wednesday: Rock Scrambling and Gorge Walk

Miss. Convey's group has changed their name from simply the 'A' Team to 'Team Ninja' after today's performance! Martin was so impressed with their resilience to every challenge that he set, that he decided to increase the task difficulties and offered a graduation from his ninja school at the end of the day. Did everybody graduate?

After a short walk down to the beach Martin explained that we first had to learn the skills of rock scrambling before we could put them to use. We learnt 'edging' first where we placed our feet carefully in line with the cracks in the rock.

The team were adamant that Miss. Convey also had to participate in all ninja training!

After 'edging' we learnt how to choose which rocks were safe to stand on and how to jump from one rock to another.

We were then challenged to the 'Matrix Slab' which Mrs. O'Shea's group had scrambled across during the morning. Martin challenged us to use our ninja training skills which he had taught us. One team member said "I loved running up the slab and trying not to slide down before everybody had made it to the top!"

Martin was astonished that one team member successfully completed the jumping challenge that he set on the slab... Excellent ninja skills showing your determination!

All morning missions complete, we returned to the centre for lunch. After lunch Martin explained that to graduate ninja school we had to complete the gorge walk - a wet, freezing task which would challenge us all. We kitted ourselves out in wet suits, waterproofs and buoyancy aids. The team was astonished when they saw the gorge! The fast flowing water caused many screams as the group began to walk up the stream in the freezing, knee deep water.

When the water level rose to our waist height we stopped at some rapids so that the group could ride the rapids 'ninja style!' Everybody succeeded!

The final challenge was a gorge jump! This was the greatest test faced by the group all week. We encouraged each other and cheered as each team member took their turn jumping from the high ledge into the water. It was worse than freezing but our pride was evident as we rose back to the surface!

Miss. Convey was extremely proud of the team's support and would like to thank them as if it wasn't for the support of the group she may not have jumped herself! It was extremely challenging but the team's kind words and encouragement meant that she did it in the end. Thank you team!

At the end of the day Martin expressed how it was the team's best day yet... they had showed teamwork, agility and the ability to move with grace (at times!) We all graduated from ninja school cold, wet and tired but with massive smiles on our faces!

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