Monday 16 September 2013

Monday: Orienteering and Beach Study

Today Miss. Convey and Mrs. O'Shea's groups merged together to undertake orienteering and then to enjoy a beach study. We dressed in our waterproof trousers and kept our waterproof jackets close as there was patches of rain throughout the day.... but this did not spoil our fun!

Firstly, we had to learn the skills of map reading and how to interpret a key. The children learnt the phrase "old" - orientation of a map, location and direction. They said that they found this useful because they needed to understand where they were in order to find where they were going. They were set a challenge to find numbered posts around the site and they put their newly found skills to the test...

Having completed these mini tasks successfully by listening to each other and working as a pair, we then gave them a challenge. The children were excited to board a minibus after being told that we were going to use their skills to find posts around Lake Mary. After a 30 minute drive (in which the children all sang Katy Perry on repeat!) we arrived at the Lake.

The children said that they were nervous at first as they were in charge of their own maps and had to use their learnt skills in a new situation. Unknown to the children the adults had hid themselves around the forest to ensure that wrong turns were rectified so that nobody actually had the chance to get lost. One group was impressed with Mrs.O'Shea's agility when leaping from behind a tree and quickly named her 'the ninja.'

A huge congratulations to the one group who made no mistakes...

Our activity leader was impressed by the increasing team work and ability to listen to each other. The children said that they were proud of themselves for not giving up and pushing themselves to be successful.

This afternoon was spent at the beach studying rock pools. Miss. Convey was so impressed with one of the children who said "I didn't want to come to Dol-Y-Moch because I was really nervous but now I'm so glad I've come. This is the best place ever and I want to bring my mum in the holidays." It was so lovely to hear that the children are having an amazing time and observing creatures that they would not see back home.

The group was proud as many overcame their fears and held a crab. It was a pleasure to watch the children encourage and support each other throughout the afternoon.

A fantastic day was finished off with an ice cream to say a massive well done for fantastic teamwork!!

1 comment:

  1. It looks fantastic. You will never forgot your Dol-Y-Moch days!
